Upcycling Beeswax Candles

I have a number of beeswax candles that have been sitting around in a basket. I picked them up in thrift stores over the years but never used them much – they were just too cute. Now they’re getting a bit dusty and worn. I’ve also begun a journey to use, rather than collect, items that bring me happiness. I think the best way to do that is to melt them down and make a few, easy to burn, jar candles.

I trimmed the wicks back. A couple of them had been burned so I was careful to trim off any scorched wick to keep the mess out of the melted wax.

I melted the candles and poured the wax into the jar with the new wick. I poured carefully to avoid getting the old wicks into the new candle, After cooling for a bit, the was had cracked open a bit at the top. I heard that uneven cooling can cause that and a hollow at the center around the wick. I melted some additional wax to top it off.

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