Roof Repair …. A Temporary Solution

When Hubby was cleaning out the gutters for the “End of Summer” chore list he noticed that the first floor shed roof at the end of the house looked like the shingles had worn. We talked about coating it with something and adding a downspout diverter until we could do something about it when we eventually have the house reroofed.

Fast forward to us sitting around the living room, babysitting the broken dog when I noticed that the MDF trim on one of the windows had swollen from some water coming in. It wasn’t bad but, because we had previous leaks, we recognized the signs.

We tried to figure out how to put so type of sealer over the worn shingles in the next few days – before the rain returns. After looking at our options we decided it would be better, and perhaps easier, to just pull the worn shingles, check the underlayment and membrane, replace the shingles with something similar and add the diverters to keep the second floor downspouts from spilling onto the roof before sending the water into the gutters.

It took Hubby a couple of days (between trips for supplies, family obligations, and dog sitting) to finish and we’re hoping this stops any further problems, but it looks like it should do the trick. He did decide to replace the less-worn shingles on the opposite end of the shed roof …. just to try to ward off any problems later in the winter.

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